Today, conventional wedding bands are made of general metals such as titanium, platinum, gold, and silver. Still, tungsten wedding bands are growing their popularity day by day in the jewelry market due to its certain best qualities. Tungsten is an especial kind of metal that is highly popularized for its hard and durability features. However, if it is melted with a metal called the nickel, then it will be stronger and more robust than titanium metal. And in the front of that, the bright shine of tungsten wedding rings will destroy last longer or in the very long time period.
Scratch resistant
Tungsten wedding rings are extremely high scratch resistant and will maintain its shine a long time. Several hard tools of steel can only barely scratch it and even if you strike it with a mallet, it would cause a small or zero damage. Scientifically, it is proof that a tungsten wedding band can be scratched by an object called diamond. You may be looking for a pair of men’s tungsten wedding bands. But before getting one, you might have to make a decision carefully to get a perfect wedding band. First of all you need to determine that the size of the female wedding band is not more than 4mm to 6mm and in the other hand the size of male wedding band must be 6mm to 8mm.
It is very important for you to recognize the fact that tungsten is a robust and heavy metal. So with the thicker ring you will feel like a heavier on your finger. To measure the dimension of the ring, you can round up its size and never round the down. It will help you to better fit on your finger.
Its category
There is a large category of tungsten ring design that avails in the market for a wedding. Dome, inlaid and faceted are more common designs. You should concentrate on some simple and elegant design to keep one as your wedding rings. You have to consider the appearance of the tungsten wedding bands when you are purchasing one from the online shopping stores on the web or from a local mall.
Cobalt rings cause reactions
Some jewelers claim in the last year that the men’s tungsten wedding bands offered by they are bonded with nickel, but actually they bonded with the cobalt. The major drawback of cobalt is after using it causes the skin infection or reaction. And also the scratch resistances and durability of the cobalt bonded wedding bands are lower than tungsten or other similar metal. You can simply spot a cobalt ring through it cost. The worth value of these cobalt bonded wedding bands is relatively lower than tungsten.
And in the second hand, more about us the cost of the tungsten carbide ring would be equal to the gold or platinum rings. The cost of a men’s tungsten carbide band is more than the cost of the tungsten cobalt ring. But you should only buy a ring that will last longer and scratch resistance.